



  • 日期 : 2023-11-16
  • 分類 :
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 832

International Education Department Leads School Sports Day with ESPN Broadcasting Style

On November 3, 2023, the school sports day's 400-meter finals and team relay races made a striking appearance with a new addition. The International Education Department's teachers introduced an eye-catching innovation by adopting the ESPN broadcasting style for the first time, infusing more excitement and vitality into the competition. This initiative has brought a fresh visual and auditory experience to the school sports day.

Under the encouragement of Director Ernest Chen and Teacher Clark Huang, foreign teachers took the initiative to sit at the ESPN broadcast booth, becoming the commentators for the races. This new broadcasting approach has allowed the teachers to showcase unity and liveliness, while creating a whole new atmosphere for the school sports day.

We would like to express our special THANKS to the foreign teachers who participated: Xavier, Tony, Clark Lee, and David T. Their professional broadcasting enriched the competition.

This introduction of a new broadcasting style not only enriched the school sports day but also ignited the innovative potential of the teachers. We look forward to witnessing more similarly exciting and inspiring innovations in the future, while encouraging students to actively participate in various activities and strive for excellence.



特別感謝參與的外國老師:Xavier, Tony, Clark Lee, and David T. 他們的專業播報為比賽增色不少。


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