

國際教育處簡介 International Education Department



In order to enhance students’ English abilities and to pave the way for internationalization, our school founded the Foreign Language Teaching Center in 2009. It was organized by the former principal, Dr. Yu-Cheng Chang, and the former director of the center, Dr. Chia-Yi Chen. They provided courses in English as well as recruited professional foreign teachers; thus promoting learning activities in international education. The curriculum involves small-group teaching which enforces teaching effectiveness and carries out the mission of Taiwan’s Twelve-year Public Education Program. In addition to offering various foreign courses, the center also encourages students to participate in international educational volunteer programs and provides overseas travel-study activities during students’ winter and summer vacations. This allows students to broaden their horizons. Furthermore, the center helps train students to pass various language tests and help them pursue their domestic and overseas education goals. Our vision is for students to experience the joy of learning foreign languages in an interesting, challenging, and pleasant environment.


國際教育處主任 International Education Department Director

陳怡婷 Doris Chen

Phone: (04)2359-0269 分機1800

E-mail: dorischen@hn.thu.edu.tw



  1. 規劃本校外籍教師外語教學課程
  2. 主持外語課程發展委員會
  3. 推動國際教育相關學習活動
  4. 擬定國際教育處各項規章及工作計畫
  5. 主持外籍教師教學研討會
  6. 外籍教師管理及課堂巡查
  7. 外籍教師考核及甄試事宜
  8. 辦理外籍教師專業成展研習
  9. 促進本國籍與外籍教師溝通合作


Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Assist foreign teachers in planning curriculum.
  2. Foreign Language Curriculum Development Committee chair.
  3. Promote international education learning activities.
  4. Develop the International Education Department rules and regulations.
  5. Preside over foreign teachers’ teaching and lesson development.
  6. Oversee foreign teachers’ classroom management and instruction.
  7. Oversee foreign teachers’ assessment and hiring process.
  8. Conduct foreign teachers’ professional development.


國際教育處助理 International Education Department Administrator


廖小姐 Evelyn Liao

Phone: (04)2359-0269 分機1801

E-mail: liaowj@hn.thu.edu.tw





  1. 規劃並辦理全校多益測驗報名事宜。
  2. 協助辦新生及轉學生入學英文測試事宜。
  3. 協助外籍教師教學相關各項事宜。
  4. 外語教學中心環境佈置。
  5. 各項行政文書處理作業。
  6. 協助辦理遊學、教育旅行、國際義工說明會。


Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Arrange student enrollment and coordinate TOEIC testing.
  2. Assist in new student and transfer students English testing.
  3. Assist in other matters related to foreign teacher’s needs.
  4. Design and implement a safe International Education Department environment.
  5. Perform various administrative processing tasks.
  6. Assist with educational field trips.
  7. Assist the Foreign Language Director in handing other necessary matters.

教職員 學生 家長
大學部 小學部 幼兒園