
112.2 外師啟發J1科學| 環境科學專案|生態鞋盒|Xavier+David S.+Hanny

  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 分類 : 112學年度
  • 點閱 : 198
  • 日期 : 2024-04-22

【Foreign Teacher Initiative: Grade 7 Science - J1 Environmental Science Project - Ecological Shoebox】
Date: 4/22 (Monday)
Location: Science Classroom 1 & 2
Teachers: Xavier, David S. & Hanny
Students: ESL Program Grade 7 J1 ABC Groups 3 & 4

The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University International Education Department encourages foreign teachers to actively enhance teaching quality and subject expertise. Recently, science teachers Xavier, David S., and Hanny. have been conducting an ecological shoebox project aimed at enriching the learning experience of ESL program students. Through hands-on activities, not only diverse teaching methods are provided, but also the expansion of students' knowledge content. This initiative is also part of the International Education Department's efforts to share teaching resources, aiming to enhance the teaching skills of all foreign teachers and bring more rich and interesting learning content to students.

Grade 7 Biology Activity:J1 Environmental Science: Ecological Shoebox Project
【Teacher's Project Requirements】:
- Form a group of 2 to 3 people.
- Choose an ecosystem (tropical rainforest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest, boreal forest, or tundra).
- Each added organism/object must be labeled.
- A paper must be attached to the project, providing information about the ecosystem.
- Distribute the work evenly to ensure everyone's participation.
- When submitting the project, make sure all members' names appear on it.
- The project completion time is three weeks (total of 6 hours).

【Materials Needed for Students】:
- Empty shoebox
- Cardboard/plastic animals
- Label stickers
- Colored plastic
- Glue/hot glue
- Scissors/knife
- Colored pens/paint/clay
- Additional materials: (sand, twigs, rocks, grass, etc.)

【Scoring Criteria】:
Total Score /100
Accuracy: /25
Creativity: /25
Written Content: /25
Teamwork: /20
Submission Date: /5

【外師啟發 ESL Program 國一科學:J1 環境科學專案 - 生態鞋盒】


地點:科學教室1 & 2

教師:Xavier, David S. & Hanny

學生:ESL Program J1 ABC第3組&第4組

東大附中國際教育處鼓勵外籍教師,積極提升教學品質及學科專業水準。近期,科學教師Xavier, David S與Hanny. 正在進行一場生態鞋盒的專案,旨在豐富 ESL 課程學生的學習體驗。透過實作課程,不僅提供了多元教學方式,更擴展了學生的知識內容。此舉也是國際教育處共享教學資源的一部分,旨在提升全體外籍教師的教學技巧,為學生帶來更豐富有趣的學習內容。


J1 環境科學:生態鞋盒專案


- 2至3人組成一個小組。

- 請選擇一個生態系統(熱帶雨林、沙漠、草原、落葉林、北方針葉林、或冰原)。

- 每個添加的生物/物體必須有標籤。

- 專案上必須附上一張紙,告訴觀眾有關這個生態系統的資訊。

- 平均分配工作,確保每個人都有參與。

- 提交專案時,確保所有成員的名字都出現在上面。

- 完成專案的時間為三週(總計6小時)。


- 空鞋盒

- 紙板/塑料動物

- 標籤貼紙

- 彩色塑膠

- 膠水/熱膠

- 剪刀/刀具

- 彩色筆/油漆/黏土

- 額外材料:(沙子、樹枝、石頭、草等)


總分 /100






教職員 學生 家長
大學部 小學部 幼兒園