
112.2 墨西哥夾餅(Taco)X 中西創意料理|西班牙語|王文英老師

  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 分類 : 112學年度
  • 點閱 : 326
  • 日期 : 2024-04-09

這本相簿是關於112學年度下學期西班牙語課程中的一次特別活動——製作墨西哥夾餅(Taco)X 中西創意料理 的跨界體驗。在這堂課,由資深的西班牙語老師王文英老師指導,學習了如何用西班牙語點餐、交流和製作這個美味的墨西哥傳統小吃。



This photo album documents a special activity within our Spanish language course – the experience of making tacos. In this class, guided by the experienced Spanish teacher, Ms. Wang Wenying, students learned how to order, communicate, and prepare this delicious Mexican traditional snack in Spanish.

During the class, students first learned some basic Spanish vocabulary and phrases, such as common phrases needed for ordering. Then, students proceeded to group activities, where Ms. Wang personally demonstrated and guided them on how to make tacos. From preparing ingredients to cooking techniques, Ms. Wang provided students with detailed instructions, enabling the freshmen students of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University to smoothly complete each dish.

The entire cooking process not only taught students how to communicate fluently in a Spanish-speaking environment but also allowed them to experience the rich and colorful culture of Mexico. Most importantly, they enjoyed the delicious tacos they made themselves, making it a fun and rewarding classroom experience.

This photo album captures every moment of our students at The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University in the classroom, showcasing our learning process of Spanish language and Mexican culture. The International Education Department appreciates the wonderful guidance of Ms. Wang Wenying, allowing the children of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University to not only learn language knowledge but also experience a culinary journey.

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