



  • 日期 : 2023-12-11
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1200

The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University's "Technology Literacy Challenge": Adding Color to Creativity with 3D Printing

The newly introduced elective course "Technology Literacy Challenge" for the second-year high school students at The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University is sparking a wave of enthusiasm for 3D printing. The micro-course in SLA (Stereolithography) 3D printing, led by H2 Elective Course instructor Clark Huang, successfully completed 80% of its content in mid-December 2023. Students demonstrated outstanding performance by creating remarkable works, including a fossil model engraved with the school's English abbreviation and a unique display board showcasing the school emblem.

In this innovative course, students not only learned the usage skills of 3D modeling software Blender but also, guided by the teacher, gradually experienced the process from draft design to the final product. They applied theoretical knowledge to practical tasks, igniting a strong interest in 3D printing. This expansion of the learning environment for technology literacy courses goes beyond the confines of traditional classrooms.

During the course, Teacher Clark Huang not only introduced real-world experiences from international industry experts but also actively encouraged students to communicate with these experts in English, enhancing their language proficiency and international perspective. This interdisciplinary learning approach not only enriched students' knowledge but also laid a solid foundation for their future entry into the workforce.

Teacher Clark Huang expresses special thanks for the strong support from the school's administrative team. The support from the administrative team, led by the principal Zhong, Xing-Neng, was a crucial guarantee for the smooth launch of this new elective course. Furthermore, Director Ernest Chen of the International Education Department hopes that through such instructional design, they can continue to enrich students' scientific literacy, deepening and broadening the school's junior high program's EEP/scientific literacy curriculum. Situated in the advantageous geographical location between the " Taichung Science Park" and the " Taichung Industrial Park," The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University is indeed opening doors for students towards a technological future.


東海大學附屬高級中等學校高中二年級的新選修課程「科技素養大挑戰」正掀起一波3D列印的熱潮。由任課教師Clark Huang主持的SLA (Stereolithography)光固化3D列印微型課程,於2023年12月中旬成功完成80%的內容,學生們更以出色的表現創造了多項驚人的作品,包括:印有學校英文縮寫的化石模型以及展示東大附中校徽的獨特展示牌。




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