



  • 日期 : 2023-12-11
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1357

Exploration Journey from 6th Grade to 7th Grade of Junior High School of the 2024 Academic Year: First Wave - "Embarking on English Learning"

The Affiliated High School of Tung Hai University has organized a rich self-exploration activity for the graduating 6th graders who are about to enter the first year of junior high school. The first wave took place on December 9, 2023 academic year, and the "English Experience Course" kicked off at the "Red Brick Assembly Ground." Special thanks to the leadership of Director Ernest Chen, Teacher Clark Huang, and Evelyn from the "International Education Department," as well as the hardworking foreign teachers, for making this English experience course smooth and successful.

This activity, designed for the soon-to-be first-year junior high school students, is divided into four waves, with 120 students participating in each wave. The English course activities were planned by the "International Education Department," and two foreign teachers, Tom and David T., hosted the challenging "Egg Drop" English science experience course. Through this unique activity, students not only learned/applied English vocabulary such as Balloon, Structural Mechanics, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), but also developed teamwork and problem-solving skills.

In addition to the English courses, students also participated in other Chinese course experiences and diverse exploration activities. The campus was filled with laughter and a learning atmosphere, and the 6th graders left beautiful memories in this future learning world.

Simultaneously, the school arranged thoughtful parent activities, including parent-child lectures, campus tours, and course and life management briefings, allowing parents to have a deeper understanding of the school's teaching philosophy and curriculum planning. This promotes parent-school cooperation to help children smoothly adapt to the new learning environment.

The successful organization of this event not only allowed students to experience the joy of learning but also facilitated communication between teachers and students, making this exploration journey from 6th grade to the first year of junior high school more meaningful. Looking forward to the future three waves of activities continuing to inspire students' enthusiasm for learning, and grateful for the collective efforts of the entire school community, making this event a memorable beginning.


這次活動針對即將升上國一的小六畢業生,分為四個梯次,每個梯次有120名學生參與。其中,外語課程活動由「國際教育處」負責規劃,兩位外師Tom和David T.主持了富有挑戰性的Egg Drop外語科學體驗課程。透過這個獨特的活動,學生不僅學習/應用到了英語字彙,如:Balloon、Structural Mechanics、The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA; 美國國家航空暨太空總署),還培養了團隊協作和解難能力。





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教職員 學生 家長
大學部 小學部 幼兒園