



  • 日期 : 2023-12-07
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 958

H2 Elective Course Teachers Collaborate with American 3D Modeling Expert to Launch International Video Exploration

The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University's sophomore elective course, "Technological Literacy Challenge," broke through geographical barriers once again on December 7, 2023, initiating an engaging international video exchange hosted by experienced instructor Clark Huang. This special technological journey focused on the 3D modeling software Blender, covering not only practical industry applications and current major developments but also showcasing animation features, object-related commands, and material rendering.

The exchange featured Clark Huang's longtime friend, 3D modeling artist Mike, currently serving in a government agency in Anchorage, Alaska. In this lively and interesting online conference session, Mike, with vivid language and rich demonstrations, showcased fundamental knowledge in Blender such as synthesis and lighting, along with the latest applications. He guided the students into a fascinating adventure in the world of technology.

Despite the challenges of remote communication and time zone differences, students developed a keen interest in this Blender master from a distant region. Clark Huang cleverly combined theoretical knowledge with practical examples, making the initially dry 3D modeling concepts lively and engaging. This cross-border video exchange not only expanded students' perspectives on industry collaboration but also ignited their passion for 3D printing, breaking the boundaries of classroom learning in the Science Literacy Class.

In this exchange with Mike, Clark Huang expressed special thanks for the support from the school's administrative team. He also hoped that such international learning experiences could continue to enrich students' science literacy courses, allowing them to delve deeper into the real industry, understand the development process of 3D technology, and fully leverage The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University's strategic location between the Taichung Science Park and Taichung Industrial Park.

東大附中高中二年級的選修課程「科技素養大挑戰」於2023年12月07日再次突破地理隔閡,啟動了一場引人入勝的國際視訊交流,由經驗豐富的任課教師Clark Huang主持。這次特殊的科技之旅將焦點放在同學在這門課中已學過的3D建模軟體Blender主題上,不僅包含業界實際應用和目前主要發展,還展示了動畫功能、物件相關指令、與材質渲染等內容。

交流的對象是Clark Huang老師在美國工作多年的好友,目前在美國阿拉斯加州安克雷奇政府機構服務的3D建模藝術家Mike。在這場活潑有趣的視訊中,Mike以生動的語言和豐富的示範,向學生展現了Blender合成和照明等基礎知識,以及目前Blender的最新應用,帶領他們進入一場充滿奇妙冒險的科技之旅。

儘管天險交際與時差因素,學生對這位來自遙遠地區的Blender大師產生了濃厚的興趣。Clark Huang老師以實際案例巧妙地結合理論知識,使得原本乾澀的3D建模知識變得生動有趣。這次跨越國界的視訊交流不僅擴寬了學生的產學合作視野,也激發了他們對3D列印的熱情,使得科學素養班的學習不再受限於教室之內。

在這場與Mike的交流中,Clark Huang老師特別感謝學校行政團隊的支持,同時國際教育處陳怡誠主任也期許這樣的國際學習體驗能夠繼續豐富學生的科學素養課程,讓他們更深入真實產業界,了解3D技術的開發過程,才不枉費東大附中位在「台中科學園區」與「台中工業區」中間得天獨厚的地理位置。

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