

財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校--附中新聞-111.2 國際交流:印尼萬隆播種基督第一高中參訪

111.2 國際交流:印尼萬隆播種基督第一高中參訪

  • 日期 : 2023-06-05
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1613

A group of students from SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Bandung, Indonesia, visited The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University on June 2nd for an in-depth inter-school exchange. They had a firsthand experience of our school's vibrant culture. They joined our Performance Arts Night rehearsal and were impressed by the marvelous performances of our students. Additionally, the teachers and students from BPK got a taste of our daily routine, including having school lunch and taking a nap alongside our students. The exchange continued with lively presentations where students from both schools introduced Taiwanese and Indonesian culture, as well as shared insights into school life. To wrap up the visit, the BPK students had the opportunity to savor famous Taiwanese snacks, fostering a joyful atmosphere. We are delighted to have engaged in this inter-school exchange and eagerly anticipate more opportunities for school exchanges, as they serve to strengthen our friendship further.

來自印尼萬隆播種基督學校第一高中(SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR Bandung)參訪團於 6/2 來到東大附中進行深度交流。首先,BPK學生參加東大附中的表演藝術彩排,見證了東大附中學生們的精彩表演。接著,播種學校的師生們體驗臺灣學生的日常生活,共進午餐並一同午休。午休後進行臺灣印尼文化交流,學生們生動地介紹臺灣風土民情與學校生活。最後,透過零食品嚐遊戲,讓BPK學生體驗臺灣知名零食,雙方學生都樂在其中。我們非常開心萬隆播種學校入校交流,未來也希望透過更多交流加深兩國學校之間的友誼!

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