

財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校--附中新聞-111.2 World Cultural Week 世界文化週

111.2 World Cultural Week 世界文化週

  • 日期 : 2023-05-24
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1550

The World Cultural Week has come to a perfect end on 23 May. We celebrated cultural differences by making Matryoshka Doll, Italian carnival masks, New Zealand Poi, tulips, Easter eggs, as well as traditional South African shield and American hamburgers. We also arranged students to visit the stable on our beautiful campus of Tunghai University. We are proud to present you with the photos of this two-day Cultural Week event at the Affiliated High School of Tunghai University.

111年下學期的世界文化週在 5/23 劃下完美的句點。為了慶祝不同文化特色,學生們學習製作俄羅斯娃娃、義大利嘉年華面具、紐西蘭毛利人舞蹈訓練道具、荷蘭鬱金香、復活節彩蛋,以及南非傳統盾牌、美國漢堡。另外,我們也安排學生到校園中的馬廄體驗美國牛仔生活與道地的英式下午茶,活動緊湊精彩,十分充實!緊接著讓我們為您分享活動期間的照片吧!


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