
財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校--附中新聞-111.2 國際講座:來自坦尚尼亞的聲音 The Voice from Tanzania

111.2 國際講座:來自坦尚尼亞的聲音 The Voice from Tanzania

  • 日期 : 2023-05-03
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1286

Our guest speakers, Bright & Michael, two students supported by the Roots and Shoots, an NGO organization founded by Dame Jane (Morris) Goodall brought their enthusiastic performance to the students of THUHS on 2nd, May. Through the beats and melody played by guitar and drums, the audience felt the Tanzanian passion right on the spot, unveiling an extraordinary speech of the day.

After the performance, Bright & Michael gave a speech about their hometown - Tanzania. The topics of the speech covered from the geographic location, geographic landscape, to weather patterns, as well as the language, food, clothing and beauty standards. The speech itself was just as refreshing as the music performance.

During the speech, Bright & Michael taught the audience about how to greet one another in Swahili, the audience earnestly interacted with the speakers. After the speech, our students asked for a group photo with Bright & Michael. It was indeed a memorable yet fulfilling experience for all.


Student Feedback:

  • Prior to the speech, their opinions about Tanzania:

‘I thought African countries are most under-developed, and I have only heard of Tanzania the name of the country, unaware of its whole scopes.

‘I’ve always had this idea that Africa is not an advanced and developed place, so it is quite easy for me to generalize this idea to all the countries I know in Africa, which leads to thought that all Africans don’t live well or that their lives are tough.’


  • After the Speech of Voices from Tanzania, their new discoveries about Tanzania are…

‘Tanzanians values their children’s education to a great degree. It takes seven years for them to accomplish their primary school education. Apart from the jungles and beautiful landscape, there are also  skyscrapers in their cities. It is quite well-developed as well.

‘After watching the short promotion film about Tanzania, it changed my mind entirely. There are seaports as well as tall buildings, it is not as under-developed as I have expected. The scenery there was spectacular, especially of their mountain ranges and the ocean, which are all clean. They are very protective of mother earth, and their lives are simple and down-to-earth.’


來自珍古德根與芽計畫的Bright 以及 Michael為我們帶來了熱情的音樂表演,讓學生彷佛置身於坦尚尼亞的草原上,乘著悠揚的吉他聲與鼓聲,感受坦尚尼亞的熱情,也揭開一場不同凡響的講座。
開場表演結束後, Bright & Michael 緊接這談論起自己的故鄉─坦尚尼亞,從地理位置、地形樣貌、氣候等自然景觀探索,到問候語、食物、衣著、審美觀…等人文觀點介紹,整場講座令在場的聽眾耳目一新。
會中不乏講者與台下學生的互動,Bright & Michael 教導大家用史瓦希利語問候彼此,學生也熱切與 Michael 對答。會後學生也相繼要求與講者拍照,著實是場令人收穫滿滿的講座。






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