
財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校--附中新聞-111.1 Taiwan & Japan Video Conference 國際交流計畫-日本姊妹校視訊

111.1 Taiwan & Japan Video Conference 國際交流計畫-日本姊妹校視訊

  • 日期 : 2022-11-17
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1223

We finally met sutdents from our sister school online - Osaka Chinese School.

We haven't seen each other for a long time since COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, Grade 7 students introduced Taiwanese culture, endemic species, and THUHS environments.

And we learned about Japanese festivals such as fireworks festival (花火大会) and Girls Day (雛祭り).

They also showed us the recycled forest system in Nagasaki.

Japanese students shared that they wanted to visited Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, night markets and eat Xiao Long Bao in Taiwan.

Hopefully we can see each other soon again.

因為疫情的影響,已經兩年沒辦法面對面交流,今天終於有機會在視訊中再見到姊妹校-大阪中華學校 的同學們!!







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