



  • 日期 : 2024-07-15
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 614


Official Documentary of 2024 Second-Year ESL Class Performing Arts Night Released

在2024年5月31日(星期五)晚上6時30分,東大附中(The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University)國際教育處(International Education Department)成功舉辦了一場別開生面的國中部二年級ESL班英語表演藝術之夜活動。活動地點設於綜合大樓五樓室內體育場,參與的班級包括國二甲、乙、丙三班學生。此活動由多位外籍教師共同指導,包括Daniel、Clark、Tom、Ryan、Pei、Candace及Vivienne。

1. 鋼琴演奏
2. 校長講話
3. Dan演前致詞
4. Pure Imagination
5. “I am here you know.” (I dream of being noticed.)
6. “Peeling Afraid” (I dream of monsters.)
7. “The Operation” (I dream of being healthy.)
8. 中場休息
9. “Walking in the Air” (I dream of flying.)
10. “Gender Equality” (I dream of equality.)
11. “Dream Life” (I dream of being famous.)
12. “The Dream Explorers” (Interpreting my dreams.)
13. I have a dream.
14. 散場(播放“Wasted Nights”)
 **I am here you know**
 **Synopsis**: 《我夢想被注意到》。這是一部關於一個感到被忽視的女孩的短劇。為什麼很多人夢想獲得認可?為什麼認可是自尊心的重要組成部分?一個學生感到被忽視的原因可能是什麼?我們希望這個劇本能激發對這個主題的思考。
**Peeling Afraid**
 **Synopsis**: 《我夢想怪獸》。什麼事情使你感到焦慮?這些恐懼是否會使你更不容易成功?這部戲劇探討了他人的焦慮如何使我們的心靈失去平靜,並影響我們實現夢想的機會。克服恐懼是生活中的重要課題。別做噩夢!
 **The Operation**
 **Synopsis**: 《我夢想健康》。巴伯小姐因劇烈的胃痛而受苦,終於即將接受一項期待已久的醫療程序,由世界知名的外科醫生布奇先生主導。他的團隊能為了病人的利益而齊心協力嗎?還是醫生的驕傲會阻礙這一切?
**Gender Equality**
**Synopsis**: 《我夢想平等》。男性和女性能在工作場所找到共同基礎嗎?我們如何拆除不平等、矛盾、壓抑的憤怒、競爭和不公正的障礙?誰工作最努力,誰值得尊重?不同性別能和諧共事嗎?讓我們一起找出答案!
 **Dream Life**
 **Synopsis**: 《我夢想成名》。你希望成為明星嗎?克萊爾、黛比和艾伯特在初中的生活中充滿了壓力和挑戰,他們追求著成名和財富的夢想。他們能意識到潛在的危險以及合作和友誼的價值嗎?
 **The Dream Explorers**
**Synopsis**: 《我渴望理解我的夢境》。我們為什麼會有夜間幻象?它們的目的是什麼?一些常見的夢境主題是什麼,如何理解它們?我們學生對這個主題的科學探索將為您提供一些有趣的見解。
 **I have a dream**
 **Synopsis**: 《你可以說我是一個夢想家,但我不是唯一的》。在他著名的1937年演講《我有一個夢想》中,馬丁·路德·金博士分享了他消除人類種族主義的強大願景。e-Generation的夢想是什麼?在這個多媒體表演中,每個學生將分享他們個人的志向,以及對全人類的願景。
Official Documentary of 2024 Second-Year ESL Class Performing Arts Night Released
On May 31, 2024 (Friday) at 6:30 PM, the International Education Department of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University successfully held a unique Second-Year ESL Class Performing Arts Night for the junior high school division. The event took place in the indoor gymnasium on the fifth floor of the complex building, with participation from the second-year classes A, B, and C. The event was co-directed by foreign teachers Daniel, Clark, Tom, Ryan, Pei, Candace, and Vivienne.
The official documentary is now available online. Click the following link to watch: https://youtu.be/DCV-_pr7O2o?feature=shared.
Special thanks go to PTA President Lu Lai-chuan for his support, as well as to the various school departments for their assistance.
 **Program Schedule**
1. Piano Performance
2. Principal's Speech
3. Dan's Pre-Show Speech
4. Pure Imagination
5. "I am here you know." (I dream of being noticed.)
6. "Peeling Afraid" (I dream of monsters.)
7. "The Operation" (I dream of being healthy.)
8. Intermission
9. "Walking in the Air" (I dream of flying.)
10. "Gender Equality" (I dream of equality.)
11. "Dream Life" (I dream of being famous.)
12. "The Dream Explorers" (Interpreting my dreams.)
13. I have a dream.
14. End of Show (playing "Wasted Nights")
**Synopsis of English Plays**
 **I am here you know**
 **Synopsis**: "I dream of being noticed." This is a short play about a girl who feels ignored. Why do many people dream of receiving recognition? Why is recognition important for self-esteem? What might be the reasons a student feels ignored? We hope this play stimulates thoughts on this theme.
 **Peeling Afraid**
 **Synopsis**: "I dream of monsters." What things make you anxious? Could these fears make you less likely to succeed? This play explores how the anxiety of others can rob our minds of peace and risk our dreams being fulfilled. Overcoming our fears can be a key lesson in life. Don't have nightmares!
 **The Operation**
 **Synopsis**: "I dream of being healthy." Miss Barber, who is suffering from an intense stomach ache, is finally about to undergo a long-awaited medical procedure, led by the world-renowned surgeon, Mr. Butcher. Will his team be able to work in unison for the patient’s sake, or will the doctor’s pride get in the way?
 **Gender Equality**
**Synopsis**: "I dream of equality." Can men and women find common ground in the workplace? How can we tear down the walls of inequality, contradiction, pent-up anger, competition, and unfairness? Who works the hardest and who deserves respect? Can different genders work harmoniously together? Let’s find out!
**Dream Life**
 **Synopsis**: "I dream of being famous." Do you hope for stardom? Life in junior high is full of stress and challenges for Claire, Debbie, and Albert, as they pursue their ambition for fame and fortune. Will they recognize the potential dangers and the value of cooperation and friendship?
**The Dream Explorers**
 **Synopsis**: "I long to understand my dreams." Why do we experience night-time visions? What is their purpose? What are some common dream themes and how can they be understood? Our students' scientific exploration of this topic will provide you with some interesting insights into these questions.
 **I have a dream**
 **Synopsis**: "You could say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one." In his famous 1963 speech, "I Have a Dream," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his powerful vision of eradicating racism forever. What is the e-Generation’s dream? In this multimedia performance, each student will share their individual aspirations and a vision for all humanity.


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