

財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校---Language Arts教學研究:教學觀摩活動環繞國際教育專業展開

Language Arts教學研究:教學觀摩活動環繞國際教育專業展開

  • 日期 : 2023-10-21
  • 分類 :
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 912

Language Arts Teaching Research: Teaching Observation Activity Surrounds English Education Professionalism

Taichung, October 18, 2023 - Today, The Affiliated High School of Tung Hai University held a meaningful teaching observation activity for the English professional course organized by the International Education Office. The demonstrator for this activity was Daniel, a teacher from the International Education Department. Participants included Director Ernest Chen, Teacher Clark Huang, Darren Christopher, Clark Lee, and Vernon.

The observation time was scheduled from 11:00 to 11:25 in the morning, precisely during the 4th period of classes. The subject observed this time was Language Arts, focusing on the teaching content of "Flora & Ulysses." In this class, a teaching activity called "Guess the missing words activity" was conducted for 8th-grade students (J2ABC Group 3) in Bilingual Classroom 3 (BC3).

The main purpose of this observation was to provide foreign teachers from the International Education Department with an opportunity to gain inspiration and experience by observing and experiencing the teaching and learning processes of others. This allows other Language Arts teachers to learn from each other's educational methods, strategies, and ultimately contribute to the overall professional development and teaching skills within the organization.

Director Ernest Chen stated, "Through teaching observation, it can inspire other Language Arts foreign teachers to try new teaching methods, techniques, and strategies to enhance the learning experience and achievements of ESL and EEP students at our school." Similarly, Administrative Assistance Teacher Clark Huang also hopes that this knowledge sharing will promote internal knowledge exchange, benefiting educators from each other's experiences, making the International Education Department a second home for foreign teachers.

The activity concluded successfully through interaction, and the ultimate expectation is that by mutually observing each other's teaching practices, it will improve the quality of foreign language courses at Taichung First Senior High School and contribute to the overall quality and effectiveness of the International Education Office's education system. This activity brought more inspiration and interaction to the foreign language education at The Affiliated High School of Tung Hai University, injecting new vitality into the school's teaching innovation.

臺中,2023年10月18日 - 東大附中於今日舉行了一場獨具意義的外語專業課程的教學觀摩活動,由國際教育處主辦。這次活動的示範者是來自國際教育處的丹尼爾(Daniel)老師,而參與者包括了陳怡誠主任、黃鐦逸老師、戴倫(Christopher)老師、Clark Lee老師以及Vernon老師。

教學觀摩的時間訂於早上11:00至11:25,正好是課堂的第四節。本次觀摩的科目為Language Arts,教學內容為Flora & Ulysses。在這堂課中,進行了"Guess the missing words activity"的教學活動,對像是八年級的學生(J2ABC Group 3),課堂地點則是Bilingual Classroom 3 (BC3)。

此次觀摩的主要目的在於提供國際教育處國外教師一個機會,透過觀察和體驗他人的教學和學習過程,來獲取啟發和經驗。這樣可讓其他Language Arts的外師獲得機會來學習他人的教育方法、策略,共同提升組織內的專業發展與教學技能。

陳怡誠主任表示:「透過教學觀摩,可以啟發其他Language Arts外師去嘗試新的教學方法、技術和策略,以提高東大附中ESL與EEP學生的學習體驗和成就。」同樣,黃鐦逸老師也期望這樣的知識共用能夠促進內部的知識共用,讓教育工作者從彼此的經驗中受益,使國際教育處成為外師的第二個家。


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