
112.2 國際教育處致力於幫助新進外籍教師提升Language Arts教學品質

  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 分類 : 112學年度
  • 點閱 : 263
  • 日期 : 2024-04-22

The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University is committed to helping new foreign teachers enhance the quality of Language Arts instruction.

Date: 2024/4/22 (Monday)

Location: Performing Arts Classroom

Teacher: Hanny

Students: ESL Program J1 CD, Group 4

The International Education Office of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University is dedicated to improving the quality of the Language Arts curriculum, actively assisting new foreign teachers to continuously improve. This effort aims to enhance the diversity and professionalism of the teaching team. Under the guidance of experienced foreign teachers, newly recruited teachers can quickly adapt to the school's teaching system and continuously enhance their professional knowledge and skills, especially in the field of Language Arts instruction.

Hanny is one of the newly recruited foreign teachers responsible for leading the students of J1 CD, Group Four in language arts learning. Through dynamic and interactive classroom activities, he provides ESL Program students with more diverse and appropriate instructional content according to their proficiency levels. He stated that through sharing and exchanging different teaching methods with head teachers Chris and other Language Arts instructors, both new and experienced teachers can benefit, providing students with a higher quality and more engaging learning experience.

The International Education Office hopes that through such experience sharing and exchange, all foreign teachers of Language Arts courses can transform and apply what they have learned to their teaching practices, continuously improving the quality of Language Arts instruction. This will provide The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University students with a richer and higher standard Language Arts learning experience.

國際教育處致力於幫助新進外籍教師提升Language Arts教學品質




學生:ESL Program J1 CD 第四組

東大附中國際教育處致力於提升Language Arts語言藝術課程的教學品質,積極協助新進外籍教師從不懈怠,這是為了加強教學團隊的多樣性和專業性。在經驗豐富的外籍教師的共同引導下,新進教師都能很快地適應學校的教學體制,並且不斷提升其專業知識和技能,尤其是在Language Arts課程的教學領域。

Hanny老師是其中一位新進的外籍教師,他負責帶領著J1 CD第四組的學生進行語言藝術的學習。通過生動互動的課堂活動,他為ESL Program的學生提供了更多元化以及更適合他們程度水平的教學內容。他表示:透過Head-teacher以及其他Language Arts語言藝術課程的教師分享與交流不同的教學方法,不僅能讓新老師受益,也為學生帶來了更高品質、更豐富有趣的學習體驗。

國際教育處期許,透過這樣的經驗傳承和交流,所有Language Arts課程的外籍教師們都能夠將所學所見轉化並應用於自己的教學實踐中,從而不斷提升Language Arts課程的教學質量,為東大附中的學生帶來更豐富、更高水準的語言藝術學習體驗。

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