
112.2 外師成長研習報導:環境友善食農教育(育苗技術及盆栽組合)工作坊

  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 分類 : 112學年度
  • 點閱 : 158
  • 日期 : 2024-03-29

Foreign Teacher Growth Workshop Report: Eco-friendly Food and Agriculture Education (Seedling Technology and Potted Plant Composition)

Date: March 29, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 13:00-15:00

Location: Tunghai Dairy (inn)

Speaker: Professor Zhuo, Yi-min and Teaching Team

The International Education Department actively promotes workshops for the professional growth of foreign teachers, aiming to enhance teaching quality and construct cross-cultural teaching expertise. This workshop focuses on "Eco-friendly Food and Agriculture Education" and provides diverse teaching methods and knowledge content through practical training courses.

Event Schedule:

13:00-13:25: Seedling Cultivation and Propagation

Through hands-on activities, teachers gain a deep understanding of environmentally friendly organic farming methods, including seeding and propagation techniques. They also cultivate herb plants to promote understanding of different crop growth methods.

13:25-13:50: Introduction to Herbs and Herb Salt

Various herb plants are introduced, and teachers are guided to make herb salt. This enhances students' learning experiences by allowing them to use their senses to feel the special aroma of plants.

13:50-14:15: DIY Potted Plant Composition

Basic materials are provided for teachers to unleash their creativity and create potted plant compositions with aesthetic appeal. This cultivates students' aesthetic literacy and introduces them to various common ornamental potted plants.

14:15-14:40: DIY Sweet Potato Balls

Taiwan's unique sweet potatoes are introduced, and teachers are encouraged to make sweet potato balls. Through food, students learn about local culture, fostering a sense of local identity and environmental awareness.

14:40-15:00: DIY Sesame Q Cakes

Using sesame seeds unique to Dadu Mountain, teachers experience the process of making sesame Q cakes. Through taste and smell, they gain a deeper understanding of the value and characteristics of local crops.

Through this workshop, foreign teachers not only learn rich food and agriculture knowledge but also master diverse teaching strategies. They can apply what they have learned to ESL program classroom teaching, promoting the comprehensive growth and development of students at The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University.


















透過本次研習活動,外國教師們不僅學習到豐富的食農知識,更掌握了多元的教學策略,能夠將所學應用於ESL Program課堂教學中,促進東大附中學生的全方位成長與發展。

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