
112.2 加拿大聖約翰中學代表團與東大附中進行教育交流|國際交流|國際教育處

  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 分類 : 112學年度
  • 點閱 : 197
  • 日期 : 2024-04-16


2024年4月16日,加拿大溫哥華的聖約翰中學代表團蒞臨財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校,與鍾興能校長進行深入的教育交流。此次代表團包括:加拿大聖約翰中學國際部招生主任Christine Wiley,以及國際部行銷經理Oliver Wiley。同時也有來自高雄市國際人才與外與協會的理事長Debbie Wang以及楓雲教育集團的國際教育顧問Sam Tai。這場交流的負責接待人員包括東大附中國際教育處的陳怡誠主任和黃鐦逸老師。





Educational Exchange between the Delegation from St. John’s Academy in Canada and The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University

On April 16, 2024, a delegation from St. John’s Academy in Vancouver, Canada, visited The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University for an in-depth educational exchange with Principal Chung Hsing-neng. The delegation comprised Christine Wiley, Director of International Admissions at St. John’s Academy, Oliver Wiley, the International Marketing Manager, Debbie Wang, Chairperson of the International Talent and Exchange Association in Kaohsiung, and Sam Tai, International Education Consultant from Maple Cloud Education Group. The hosts for this exchange were Director Ernest Chen and Teacher Clark Huang from the International Education Department of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University.

The purpose of this exchange was to explore mutual cooperation and exchange between the education systems of Canada and Taiwan. The delegation from St. John's Academy expressed their desire to utilize the excellent environment and teaching facilities of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University to organize the first nationwide Canadian summer camp in Taiwan in the summer of 2024. They also hoped to share the successful experiences of Canadian secondary education through this activity.

During the exchange, representatives from St. John's School not only shared with students from the 2024 summer study tour in Canada but also shared successful strategies from educational activities conducted in various countries with the administrative team of The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University. Members from the international and promotional departments were assigned to share the curriculum features of secondary schools in British Columbia, immersive cultural courses, and valuable experiences in international college counseling.

The delegation emphasized that through bilateral educational cooperation, they aim to incorporate the core competencies of the IB curriculum and develop curriculum content that integrates Eastern and Western cultures to promote deeper cultural understanding.

Principal Chung Hsing-neng expressed his anticipation for this collaboration. He believes that cultivating students at The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University to possess abilities such as critical thinking, initiative, and diverse knowledge through engaging curriculum designs and activities has always been the goal. He hopes that through the administrative team of the International Education Department, cooperation between Canada and Taiwan can be strengthened, injecting new vitality into Taiwan's international education scene.

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大學部 小學部 幼兒園