
112.2 國二EEP科學素養班|ChatGPT|English Enrichment Program|科技資訊與媒體素養|資訊科技|黃鐦逸老師

  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 分類 : 112學年度
  • 點閱 : 386
  • 日期 : 2024-04-10

在國二EEP(English Enrichment Program)科學素養班中,老師以身作則,引領活潑調皮的學生展開了一場品格教育活動:打掃創客教室。這不僅是一次潔淨教室的行動,更是對品格教育和機會教育的體現。




In the English Enrichment Program (EEP) science literacy class for eighth graders, Teacher Huang led a character-building activity by setting an example for the lively and mischievous students: cleaning the maker classroom. This was not only an action to tidy up the classroom but also a manifestation of character education and opportunity education.

Through this activity, students not only learned how to respect and cherish their learning environment but also realized the importance of influencing others through their actions. Teacher Huang, through personal example, demonstrated to students the qualities that responsible members of society should possess, which will have a profound impact on their future growth and development.

Furthermore, in Teacher Huang's class, students also learned many important conversational skills, including context comprehension and multi-turn dialogue, topic guidance, language style setting, text generation, text format transformation, knowledge expansion, sentiment analysis, multilingual communication, conversation management, real-time feedback, and cross-program application. Students not only learned advanced operations of ChatGPT but also improved their English proficiency. Through interaction with ChatGPT, they not only enhanced their English expression skills but also honed their logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Teacher Huang hopes that the knowledge and skills taught in the classroom will have a positive impact on students' growth and future. This is not only about their academic advancement but also about cultivating their character and values, which will accompany them throughout their lives.

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