- 日期 : 2023-12-21
- 分類 : 附中新聞
- 單位 : 國際教育處
- 點閱 : 1119
Exploration Journey from 6th Grade to 7th Grade of Junior High School of the 2024 Academic Year: Third Wave - "Embarking on the Adventure of English Learning"
The Affiliated High School of Tung Hai University, in preparation for the upcoming first-year students graduating from sixth grade, has organized a series of enriching self-exploration activities. On December 16, in the afternoon, the Third Wave of the " Language Experience Course " kicked off in the indoor gymnasium. During this vibrant Saturday afternoon, we express our gratitude to the efforts of the administrative team led by Director Ernest, Teacher Clark Huang, Evelyn, and the dedicated Foreign Teachers. Special thanks to the administrative support from the Student Affairs Office and the General Affairs Office for ensuring the smooth and successful execution of this event.
The entire sixth-grade exploration activities are divided into four waves, with 120 students participating in each wave. The third wave's foreign language course activities, curated by the International Education Department and led by foreign teachers Clark Lee and Fred, featured challenging Broomball and Hula hoop language experience courses. In this unique activity, students not only learned English vocabulary such as "broom," "hoop," and other related English words but also developed teamwork skills while enhancing cardiovascular fitness.
In addition to the foreign language courses, students also participated in Chinese courses and various exploration activities. Laughter and a learning atmosphere permeated the campus, leaving beautiful memories for the sixth-grade students in this future learning paradise.
Thanks to the collective efforts of the entire school community, this event was successfully held. We look forward to the Final Wave of activities continuing to inspire students' enthusiasm for learning. Gratitude goes to every teacher involved in the activities, whose creativity and dedication made this exploration journey even more memorable, opening up new horizons for student learning.
東海大學附屬高級中等學校為即將踏入國一的小六畢業生打造了一系列豐富的自我探索活動,於112年12月16日下午展開第三梯次的「外語體驗課程」,於室內體育場精彩展開。在這充滿活力的周六下午時光裡,感謝「國際教育處」陳怡誠主任、黃鐦逸老師、Evelyn領導的行政團隊,以及辛勤的外語老師Clark Lee和Fred,以及學務處與總務處的行政支持,讓這次活動順利而圓滿。
整個小學六年級的探索活動共分為四個梯次,每個梯次有120名學生參與。第三梯次的外語課程活動由「國際教育處」的外師Clark Lee和Fred負責策劃,他們個別主持了獨具挑戰性的Broomball與hula hoop外語體驗課程。在這獨特的活動中,學生不僅學到了英語字彙broom、hoop與其他相關英文字彙,還培養了團隊合作,同時鍛鍊了心肺功能。
- 下一則:鼓勵學生補接種公費流感疫苗
- 上一則:112-1學年度住宿生聖誕活動