- 日期 : 2022-03-09
- 分類 : 附中新聞
- 單位 : 國際教育處
- 點閱 : 1854
The Russo-Ukrainian War broke out and the international situation was tense. The International Education Department specially held a lecture on "The Impact of Russo-Ukrainian Political Unrest on Poland and the European Union".
The lecture allows students to have a better understanding of the history between the two countries. It also analyzes the origin of the Russo-Ukrainian War and further understanding of the Poles' own views on the political turmoil in Russia and Ukraine, and explore the entire international situation from different aspects.
- 下一則:轉知:2022桌遊人生:生命教育體驗工作坊
- 上一則: 111三月附中之星-林裕鈞