東大附中國中部學生英檢成果豐碩:兩名學生TOEFL Junior滿分!
- 日期 : 2024-06-21
- 分類 : 附中新聞
- 單位 : 國際教育處
- 點閱 : 1867
在112學年度,財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校國中部學生在參加TOEFL Junior(小托福)和TOEIC Bridge(多益普及)英語檢定考試中取得了優異的成績。本年度共有274名國中學生參加了這些英語檢定,結果顯示出令人驕傲的成果。
#### 成績統計
- **初級**:98人,占總數的36%
- **中級**:49人,占總數的18%
- **中高級**:15人,占總數的5%
### 總結
- 在112學年度,近六成的國中學生已達到全民英檢初級以上程度,顯示出學生們扎實的英語基礎。
- 中級以上程度的學生占總數的二成以上,這表明學生們在英語學習方面的進步和努力。
- 值得特別提到的是,有15名學生達到了中高級以上的水準。
### 亮點學生
在TOEFL Junior考試中,詹前昕和許睿廷兩位學生達到了滿分900分,展現了卓越的英語能力。此外,黃弘睿同學取得了895分,吳文心同學取得了890分的高分,這些成績不僅反映了他們的學習努力,也展現了學校英語教學的成果。
### 恭賀
The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University Junior High Students' Performance in TOEFL JUNIOR and TOEIC BRIDGE Exams
In the 112th academic year, junior high school students from The Affiliated High School of Tunghai University achieved outstanding results in the TOEFL Junior and TOEIC Bridge English proficiency exams. A total of 274 junior high students participated in these exams, and their performance was impressive.
#### Score Statistics
- **Beginner Level**: 98 students (36%)
- **Intermediate Level**: 49 students (18%)
- **Upper Intermediate Level**: 15 students (5%)
### Summary
- In the 112th academic year, nearly 60% of junior high students achieved a level above the beginner level in the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), demonstrating a solid foundation in English.
- More than 20% of students reached intermediate or higher levels, indicating significant progress and effort in their English studies.
- Notably, 15 students achieved the upper intermediate level or higher.
### Highlighted Students
In the TOEFL Junior exam, students Chen Qianxin and Xu Ruiting achieved a perfect score of 900, showcasing their exceptional English proficiency. Additionally, Huang Hongrui scored 895, and Wu Wenxin scored 890. These outstanding results reflect not only the students' hard work but also the effectiveness of the school's English education.
### Congratulations
The International Education Office extends its heartfelt congratulations to all students who participated in the exams and achieved excellent results. Your efforts and achievements have not only brought glory to yourselves but also added honor to the school. We look forward to seeing you maintain this positive attitude and continue to excel in your future studies, facing new challenges and achieving even greater success.