財團法人東海大學附屬高級中等學校-公告訊息--國際教育處品德教育週演講-Attitude & Behavior

國際教育處品德教育週演講-Attitude & Behavior

  • 日期 : 2020-10-13
  • 分類 :
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1614


品德教育為學生學習成長不可或缺的一環,本校以禮貌作為本學期品德教育主題,於朝會時間安排不同處室進行相關內容宣講,希望學生能在不同師長的分享中學習成長! 國際教育處也藉由這樣寶貴的機會邀請Andy老師作為開場及Xavier老師以英語進行Attitude and Behavior演講,與學生分享禮貌、態度及行為的重要性。



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 2020/9/29

Attitude & Behavior

Speaker: Mr. Xavier Lawrence

  1. Build fundamentals of positive attitude at this age (teenagers). People want to be around positive people. Your attitude will influence your social outcomes


  1. First impression lasts/sticks and examples. Give good vibes to enhance your chances to socialize and, by this, be proactive in your community.


  1. Surround yourself with people who have positive attitudes and who are well mannered (rotten apple).


  1. Fix rotten apples. To save a rotten apple from being completely ruined and to save the rest of the apples from being spoiled, you’ll have to use a knife. That means, if your friends are not doing the right by thing, correcting them will be painful, but that’ll be the only way to save them, yourself and your community.


  1. Practice attitude and behavior because they are yours. You will always carry those with you, like your clothes or to your hairstyle and that means if your clothes and your hairstyle conveys a negative vibe, you’ll be remembered as a negative person.


Leadership = excellent attitude and excellent behavior

This turns into a great work opportunity. People will always look for role models and will always be ready to reward them.

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