



  • 日期 : 2023-12-07
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 979

Exciting Journey of Field Trip J3: Exploring the Beauty of Nantou at "Atayal Resort"

In the first semester of the 2023 Academic Year, The Affiliated High School of Tung Hai University once again sparked the trend of outdoor education by launching the highly anticipated ESL/EEP outdoor education activities. This event aimed to integrate interdisciplinary teaching, foster core learning among students, enhance their awareness of nature and culture, and cultivate a profound love for their hometown.

On December 4, 2023, the junior year event commenced at the picturesque "Atayal Resort," serving as the activity base for 9th Grade students enrolled in ESL and EEP courses. Despite suboptimal weather conditions, the flexibility of the execution team ensured the smooth implementation of the entire event. The diverse and enriching program included park tours and foreign language challenges led by foreign teachers from the International Education Department. The activities encompassed entertaining English challenges such as Balloon Building, Table Tennis Relay, Bounce into Cups, Obstacle Course Relay Sack Race, and more. Simultaneously, through the exploration of the park, students gained a deeper understanding of the indigenous culture in their hometown, fostering interdisciplinary learning in environmental education, integrated studies, and language arts.

Special thanks to the administrative team led by Ernest Chen and Teacher Clark Huang from the International Education Department, as well as all the dedicated foreign teachers, including Xavier, David T., Fred, and the entire team. Their efforts turned this outdoor education journey into an unforgettable learning experience. Through an in-depth understanding of Nantou County and the indigenous Atayal culture in Taiwan, students not only ignited their passion for indigenous culture but also gained a profound appreciation for the beauty of Nantou. Anticipating that this learning journey will become an unforgettable chapter in their lives.



於2023年12月4日展開的國三場次,選擇風景如畫的「泰雅渡假村」作為活動基地,為修習ESL和EEP課程的國三學生打造了一場豐富的教育之旅。儘管天氣並不理想,感謝執行團隊的靈活應變,使整個活動順利舉行。活動內容多元豐富,包括園區導覽以及由「國際教育處」外師主持的外語闖關課程,包括Balloon Building、Table Tennis Relay、Bounce into Cups、Obstacle Course Relay Sack Race等趣味橫生的英文挑戰活動。同時,透過園區之旅,學生將深入了解自己家鄉的原住民文化,培育環境教育、綜合領域和語文領域的跨學科學習。

在此,特別感謝由國際教育處陳怡誠主任與黃鐦逸老師領導的行政團隊,以及所有辛勤付出的外語老師Xavier、David T.、Fred團隊,使這場戶外教育之旅成為一段難以忘懷的學習體驗。同時,透過深入瞭解南投縣和台灣少數民族-泰雅族文化,學生不僅燃起對原住民文化的熱情,也對南投的美景有了更深層次的體會。期待這趟學習之旅成為他們生命中難忘的一頁。


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