



  • 日期 : 2023-12-02
  • 分類 : 附中新聞
  • 單位 : 國際教育處
  • 點閱 : 1013

International Ecological Exploration: Collaboration Between Grade 7 Science Teacher and American Scientist

On November 30, 2023, the Science class for 7th-grade students J1CD(5) at The Affiliated High School of Tung Hai University broke geographical barriers by hosting a captivating international video exchange. The experienced instructor, Clark Huang, led this innovative session. The focus of this unique scientific journey centered on previously covered ecological topics, including community dynamics, primary succession, secondary succession, producers, consumers, and decomposers.

The collaborator for this exchange was Dr. Livingston, a longtime friend of Clark Huang and a scientist residing in Anchorage, Alaska, USA. In this lively and engaging video session, Dr. Livingston used vivid language and rich demonstrations to showcase the unique and diverse flora and fauna of Alaska, leading students into a fascinating adventure in the world of science.

Students developed a keen interest in the distinctive ecology of this remote region, and Clark Huang seamlessly integrated real-life examples to make the originally dry subject matter come to life. This cross-border video exchange not only broadened students' perspectives in the field of science but also ignited their passion for scientific exploration, demonstrating that learning extends beyond the confines of the classroom.

Through this exchange with Dr. Livingston, Clark Huang emphasized the importance of international learning experiences. He hopes that such activities will continue to enrich students' learning lives, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the wonders of ecology.


東海大學附屬高級中等學校國中一年級J1CD(5)的科學(SCIENCE)課程於2023年11月30日首次打破地理界線,進行了一場引人入勝的國際視訊交流,由經驗豐富的任課教師Clark Huang主持。這次特殊的科學之旅將視線聚焦在已經學過的生態學(ecology)主題上,涵蓋了群集(community)、主要演替(primary succession)、次要演替(secondary succession)、生產者(producer)、消費者(consumer)、分解者(decomposer)等內容。

交流的對象是Clark Huang老師以前在美國一起做研究的多年好友,生活在遙遠的美國阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的Dr. Livingston。在這次生動有趣的視訊中,Dr. Livingston以他的生動語言和豐富的示範,向學生展現了阿拉斯加州獨特而豐富的動植物世界,帶領他們走進一場充滿奇妙冒險的科學之旅。

學生們對於這片遙遠地區的獨特生態產生了濃厚的興趣,Clark Huang老師巧妙地結合實際案例,使得原本乾澀的知識變得生動有趣。這次跨越國界的視訊交流,不僅擴寬了學生的學科視野,也啟發了他們對科學探索的熱情,使得學習不再侷限於教室之內。

透過這場與Dr. Livingston的交流,Clark Huang老師表達了對於國際學習體驗的重視,期望這樣的活動能夠繼續豐富學生的學習生活,讓他們更深入地理解生態學的奧妙之處。

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